America’s Premier Competitive Power Company
... Creating Power for a Sustainable Future


Modern and Efficient

Modern Los Esteros Name

Calpine’s fleet of natural-gas-fired, combined-cycle power plants is among the youngest and most efficient in the industry. Combined-cycle plants generate electricity first via natural gas turbines, then use heat from that process to create steam that subsequently drives steam turbines. As a result, combined-cycle facilities consume significantly less fuel per megawatt hour produced than coal plants or older technology natural-gas plants, making them cost-effective and efficient sources of electricity.

We also operate the nation’s largest fleet of highly efficient cogeneration facilities, or combined heat and power plants. In addition to generating electricity, these plants provide steam to neighboring manufacturing and processing customers.

Equipped for the future and committed to operational excellence, Calpine is economically fulfilling America’s power needs as low fuel prices and environmental regulations shift generation to natural-gas-fired capacity. Get the details on the technology behind Calpine’s modern, clean, efficient and reliable fleet.