America’s Premier Competitive Power Company
... Creating Power for a Sustainable Future


Repowering Americasm

Development York 2

Calpine is helping the nation meet its clean energy goals by developing, constructing, owning and operating natural gas-fired and renewable generation that use advanced technologies to generate power in a low-carbon and environmentally responsible manner. 

Since 1998, we have developed nearly 30,000 megawatts of generation capacity. This total includes most of the plants that currently make up Calpine’s fleet, in addition to several that were constructed for development partners or subsequently purchased by customers and other companies.

Proven Development Experience1

1 Reflects generation from power plants developed since 1998, some of which are no longer owned by Calpine.

Current Projects

Calpine’s development team continually seeks out and evaluates opportunities in our core markets to grow our business in a fiscally responsible manner that maximizes the value of our fleet for shareholders. 

Under Construction

Our Capabilities


  • Cycle and thermal design, cost estimation, general configuration
  • Major equipment procurement
  • Construction management


  • State and federal permitting
  • Interconnection evaluation
  • Land, engineering, environmental, community outreach


  • Deployment of Calpine capital for development projects
  • Fulfillment of long-term power and steam contracts
  • Fuel procurement

Operations & Maintenance

  • On-site operations management
  • Coordinated maintenance within Calpine fleet
  • Asset management function for entire fleet

Contact a power industry expert and learn more about Calpine’s development, construction and operational expertise.