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Morgan energy center

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Morgan Energy Center is located in Decatur, Alabama. The site’s major equipment includes three combustion turbines that are routed to three heat recovery steam generators, which provide steam to one steam turbine. The Morgan Energy Center is a combined-cycle cogeneration facility that uses highly efficient and environmentally friendly technology. The natural gas-fired facility went into commercial operation with two units in June 2003. The third unit went into service in January 2004.

Morgan Energy Center was the first independent producer power plant to provide automatic regulation services to the Tennessee Valley Authority system. This facility produces enough electric power to meet the needs of more than 800,000 homes throughout the Tennessee Valley.

In 2013, Morgan was recertified for the third time as a Star Worksite under the Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The VPP Star certification is OSHA’s highest level of recognition for outstanding efforts by an employer and its employees to achieve a level of excellence in occupational safety and health at their worksites.

Location:Decatur, AL
Commercial Operation Date:June 2003
Calpine Net Interest Baseload (MW):720 megawatts
Calpine Net Interest With Peaking (MW):807 megawatts
Ownership:Calpine 100%
Technology:Natural gas-fired, combined-cycle cogeneration
Turbines:Siemens Westinghouse combustion and Toshiba steam