![Nat Gas Otay Mesa Name Nat Gas Otay Mesa Name](https://dnnt93026.blob.core.windows.net/portals/0/Images/Calpine/Nat%20Gas%20Otay%20Mesa%20Name.jpg?sr=b&si=DNNFileManagerPolicy&sig=bc4QbSyvNUu4qOlC2ejzrQ3xkeQTpkPSOJrMEukMpg0%3D)
Calpine’s flexible power plants are configured in a variety of ways to efficiently respond to customer needs:
Simple-Cycle Plants
Simple-cycle plants are the most flexible and operate as quick-responding "peakers" that generate power when demand is highest.
Simple-Cycle Plants
Combined-Cycle Plants
Combined-cycle plants integrate natural-gas-fired and steam turbines, are more efficient than simple-cycle plants and generate the most megawatts produced by Calpine's fleet.
Combined-Cycle Plants
Cogeneration Plants
Cogeneration plants add another degree of efficiency by also supplying steam to nearby customers for industrial processing or heating. Calpine operates the nation’s largest fleet of cogeneration facilities – also called combined heat and power plants.
Cogeneration Plants