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Gilroy Energy Center

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The Gilroy Energy Center is a “peaker” facility located in Gilroy, California.  The three natural gas-fired, aero-derivative combustion turbine generators at Gilroy are used to rapidly respond to peak system electricity demands.  Highly flexible, quick-responding peaker plants help integrate intermittent renewable resources into the state’s power grid.

The Gilroy plant utilizes recycled water for cooling, and the electricity it generates is committed to the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. under a power purchase agreement.
Location:Gilroy, CA
Commercial Operation Date:February 2002
Calpine Net Interest Baseload (MW):0 megawatts
Calpine Net Interest With Peaking (MW):141 megawatts
Ownership:Calpine 100%
Technology:Natural gas-fired, simple-cycle
Turbines:GE combustion